Not an easy tale to tell!
In 28 years living in this house we have never seen a rat in our garden. Squirrels, ducks, moorhens, rabbits and mice...yes but never rats!
I had foolishly put down some small pieces of biscuits on the ground as I was running out of bird seed etc. About 30mins later I saw what I thought was a very large mouse running to where I had put the biscuit pieces, picking one up in its mouth and running away out of sight. This was repeated a few minutes later and it was not a mouse for sure! We think it/they is/are under our decking.
So this morning we went shopping to B&Q. Tomorrow we shall put down some of the contents of this box and see after a couple of days if we have managed to evict our new visitors. Tune in again to read the results of this horror story.
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