
By Sonset25

New visitors

A bit cooler today. 
Two dog walks and a cycle ride to town.  Needed fruit, bread and carrots.

The sun has been trying to break through the clouds just to let us know it's there.  

These Canada geese are recent visitors to this stretch of river.

Today the fruit cake was finished.  Not bad for a random recipe found online.  Will make chocolate banana loaf tomorrow to use up ripe bananas.

Mr sorted out our BT bill.  Our landline is now digital and BT wrote that we wouldn't be able to access 999 calls.  We see no point in a landline then plus line rental so we're relying on our mobiles from now on and with a 50% reduction in our monthly BT bill too.  If other customers are opting out of having a BT landline too I guess this poses a profit reduction for BT.

Stirfry for dinner.  Plates washed and put away and now to put my feet up.

Pleasant, safe evening everyone.

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