just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms


It's not looking very appetising, admits Teddy. But Teddy thinks today was, well, ok.

Teddy gets bored with the usual traditions. Sod the Service. All up to the woods. Back for hand made curry and Victoria sponge. Then, lets see what one group did with a video, iMovie and their memories of life so far. And let's see what another group can do with iMovie and if they can find all the years pics that Teddy hides away in loads of laptops.

Teddy had difficulty getting through he little bit. Sometimes Teddies have to cry. Secretly.

Then off to a big cinema to see the little people's other big film in the festival. Should He mention the Oscar for Best Costumes?

But he really can't face the curry he brought home. You really can't eat celebration food on your own.

So tired, and ever so slightly flat Teddy.

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