
By JohnHeuston1

Rain, 18 degrees

I was desk-bound in work for most of the day today, much paperwork and admin in preparation for next session. Cloud and new pedagogy in-between and a meeting with one of the most dynamic, driven people I've ever met. I won't name this woman, but sometimes you just meet someone who gets the job done, a welcome conversation in a day when you're held back by people who think wi-fi is un-necessary in education and you stumble past a trolley full of paper being pushed for filing.

And so I left at 5pm, on a hunt for birthday cards for my mum and brother (same day celebrants). My iPhone showed 18 degrees and rain, but in the local vernacular it was 'roastin' in the city. I then received a text later showing this sunset on the west coast. As Billy Connolly once observed, if you want to know what the weather's like, look out the window. I have a feeling the summer might be good in Glasgow. If I were you I would now buy a brolley.

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