We got off to a slow start but ended up having a great day.

Our train was delayed from leaving Edinburgh by a power failure then signal faults meant another long delay before we reached Newcastle. As a result, instead of getting into Kings Cross at ten to twelve, it was twenty to two. We did get lots of planning done on the train though so it wasn't wasted time. We finally got to the hotel for two to find our rooms were neither ready nor paid for.

By the time we got all that sorted out we managed to get in a taxi and still make it to Shoreditch for our meeting at the YCN for a couple of minutes past the three o'clock meeting time. Kezia and Zoe were great hosts and discussed some of our students' winning work as well as plans for the awards night and showing us some of the other winning work so we could gauge the standard of our students with the standard in general. It was a great experience and their offices are a really cool wee place.

After we were done we nipped for a quick pint nearby then, since we'd not eaten since breakfast, nipped to Spittalfields market for a snack. Then it was on to the Old Blue Last for another quick pint before meeting up with Hannah, a former graphics student who took on the role of creative lead when the company she was working for in Edinburgh opened a London office.

It was great to see her and we headed to the Red Market for some fantastic food and a couple of drinks. It was a long day, but a very very good one.

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