The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Never Enough

Dear O'H dear,

I took LTJ and Lil Dude to the Borders today where they are spending the rest of their time in Scotland.

The Eldest Mini Princess made me laugh later when admitted that when she was young, she had an irrational hatred of LTJ’s friends in the borders as “who were THOSE people stealing OUR LTJ?”

In reality they are the nicest people. I was welcomed in for lovely lunch and Lil Dude was already making himself at home and investigating kitchen cupboards by the time I left.

I have loved this time with our family (even in the tired moments) and it’s always hard saying goodbye. So we didn’t. Because there was no need. We felt the unsaid words and it was only later when it went dark at the start of the Pantomime that my eyes couldn’t quite contain the leak.

But the Pantomime is always a slice of joy and it was a welcome salve for a slightly achy heart Colourful, frivolous,, ridiculous, a dame, a big tidy and loads of fun. The whole audience singing “One smart fella, he felt smart….” Where being childish and childlike is celebrated. I love it every year!


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