
I looked in the garden for some birds to photograph this morning. After getting photos of a few visiting the feeder, I heard a greater spotted woodpecker up in the trees in the adjacent field and was fortunate to spot it and get a photo. I was due to volunteer this morning, but a notification of a delivery and rain put paid to that. Instead I used my new portable solid state drive to do a full backup of my data from the laptop. Being newer, it could use my faster USB 3 port and it did the whole backup of c650GB in an incredible 45 mins! So I'll order another one tomorrow, the speed increase means I can't face using the slower ones on a routine basis. Then I got up to date with some admin. This afternoon I watched Dolly Parton: In Her Own Words - I'm not a great country music fan, but Dolly is an incredible woman, a phenomenal songwriter and a great philanthropist. I really enjoyed her story. 

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