talloplanic views

By Arell

A tailored approach

While in town and failing to visit The Bike Station again, on account of it being shut, I cycled up West Preston Street and saw this ghost sign.  I looked up the old Post Office directories, and confirmed that it belonged to John Alexander, who was in business at the turn of the 20th century as a "gentleman's tailor and clothier".  A little way up the hill there are two more well preserved ghost signs: one is for a coal merchant, and the other I forget.  It didn't occur to me to get my camera back out.

Further into town I watched the traffic ("chaos", as the chipwrapper would invariably describe it) failing to make progress around the new Picardy Place triangleabout whose design and heavy patronage by car drivers is badly delaying all the buses.  I think the phasing of the traffic lights needs to be more like the Sheriffhall roundabout, or it needs to favour Leith Street more.  It was too cold to stand around for very long though so I rode to the book shop to look for guide books to Scotland, for my cousin Anne who doesn't know the place well.

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