Thrillsome Threesome / Winter Pond

The big news in the neighborhood is that there is a new baby llama at the local llama farm. The baby was out when we drove by, so we stopped and I took as many pictures as I could in the two minutes I had. Please enjoy this photo of what I am calling a thrillsome threesome. (And to the closest llama - hey, I think you've got a little something in your teeth!)

We've had a mild spell of weather lately, with highs in the 50s F, but that's changing. The weekend and the days that follow will bring us more typical temps dipping into the 30s. This was the last of the warmer days.

My husband wanted to jog, so we drove to the former Dry Hollow camp property, which isn't far away. He ran and I walked. It's been a mild winter so far and there is no snow on the ground yet. There is water in the puddles and vernal ponds from recent rains.

Things started out gray but brightened up during the time we were there. As the sun arrived, it made tree shadows on the trail, and on the vernal ponds, there were lovely reflections of the changing sky. (See photo in the extras - that uses up my final extra photo for the year!)

I have two photos so here are two songs. For the threesome above, I picked something from Three Dog Night (okay, they're llamas, not dogs, but what the hey), with Old Fashioned Love Song, which I dedicate to the new baby llama. For the extra photo of the reflections on a vernal pond, here is Andy Gibb, with (Love Is) Thicker Than Water.

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