For the family

By RonaMac

Roadrunner stamps

The annual delivery of the Roadrunner magazine.

A successful day. When your blip material is on the kitchen table when you come downstairs, you know that you’ve got a head start.

R sold her car this morning, left S to organise the delivery whilst she came over to see her dad about collecting his. She has sorted out all the paperwork etc. 

We have had a system for a number of years whereby B passes his old car on to her when he gets a new one. This time he is just passing it on, as we are hanging on to mine for the time being. We don’t need two cars now. 

It has been a revelation emptying his car, I thought that it was only women who hoarded ‘stuff’, just ‘in case’.

The tv was on and watched intermittently, old stuff, hilarious!! Secret Life of Pets 2 was new to me, so funny. 

Now about to watch Parkinson at 50. So many old memories. 

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