An Ikonic Adventure

By IkonBrisbane

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie..


Ikon Brisbane's First Love-In: Benvenuto all'Italia

T'was a pleasant winter's evening. The logs burned warm in the fireplace. The sounds of a flamenco mandolin and the smells of fresh pasta sauce and slow cooked meals wafted through Ikon Lodge. And the scene was set for our first Love-In.

We shared a banquet of the most wonderful home-cooked meals at one table in front of the fire with our plus ones. The night coincided with Kate's last day of work before she leaves to go have her second baby- best of luck Kate, already the office is quieter and more politically correct, but you will be missed.

This is a our complete Family portrait from the night... 18 months after launching and one of the very few times we have managed to have everyone in the same place at the same time. There is a lot of love, there always will be.

Ever wondered what That's Amore translates to?
That's Love.

Love Ikon

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