Nightly bat migration

Everynight thousands of bats leave the Botanic Gardens in Melbourne to look for food. This lasted for more than an hour.
A busy day in Melbourne today, thankfully I slept well. It started with catching up with my married friends and their 3 kids - always good to catch up and see them. The afternoon was free so I did a bit of shopping. Then I met S who I was unable to meet up with last year - lovely to meet in person and hopefully she’ll come to the UK next summer to meet her aunt who’ll be 100. Then out to Hawthorn to meet C - I’ve known her for nearly 20 years now. Good conversation, with the bat view. And we enjoyed good old Aussie pub grub - chicken schnitzel with mushroom sauce and chips and salad. Nice. She dropped me back in the city and day 1 was over. So nice the friendships continue despite the distance.

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