The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Curry Calamity

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I asked The Prince to make a curry for dinner to use up the last of the turkey.

“Make it easy,” I said. “Just use some balti paste.”

I was sitting at the table in the kitchen as he was cooking. Despite my lack of sense of smell, I was aware that the air had changed considerably and a thought popped into my head. “How much of that jar of paste did you use?”.

The Prince: “All of it.”

Me: “Did you…read the side of the jar?”

The Prince: “No”

Me: “So you know it’s a paste, not a sauce?”

The Prince: “I just figured you used the whole jar.”

Me: “Did you add a can of tomatoes?”

The Prince: “Nope”

The Eldest Mini Princess and I sat down to dinner with a degree of trepidation.

In fairness, having tasted the ‘sauce’, The Prince then decided to chuck in some crème fraiche which made the best of the situation. It was definitely intense but better than we had expected. He had also toasted some pitta breads to have with the curry.

The Prince: “I cut the end of the pittas off as there was a bit of mould.”

Me: “You can’t eat mouldy bread! Is this one of those things where you think if you do it really badly that I won’t ask again?”

Thankfully there’s a lot of Christmas chocolate left!


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