Wring out the old … bring in the new …

2023 is already over and done with in the far east as I write this. On so called slow news days fireworks at midnight in Auckland and then Sydney are handy page and screen fillers. The rest of the world holds its breath waiting for its bells to come round.

There seems to be a suspension at large today as time ticks away. Very little seems to be happening. Which of course is completely fake news! The frantic last minute booze buyers hurtle into the supermarkets before the 16h Sunday guillotine. That’s two Sundays in a row that last minute shoppers have had to panic about. Next year it will be easier!

And, of course wars in Europe the Middle East and in parts of Africa carry on despite the calendar change as so many of us watch on in agonising disbelief and helplessness.

So here’s to next year and to the hope it might bring. The world needs that hope more than ever in 2024.

Ironically this building, once a beacon and bastion of hope, is dark and sadly mostly ignored in these secular days. Meanwhile the leader of all these churches in England is given a knighthood! Why? For putting a fancy hat on his friend but not for re-filling all these empty pews with new believers.

A very Happy 2024 as possible to everyone on Blipfoto!

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