Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Woodhead Reservoir

(No surprise) All the reservoirs are still full and overflowing.

It wasn’t raining so 1 hours walk up and down the trail on the South side, not so bad going East but perishing cold returning.

17 Bird species seen in poor light.

These railings make us think we are at the seaside :-)

Took ages to get warm again in front of the gas fire. We have a big bill coming as our Smart Meter doesn’t seen to have been sending readings for this quarter and estimates used were about 2/3rds of use. 

Watched the Likely Lads Christmas Episode (1974) on Youtube before our tea.  I still smiled at some of the clever lines and recalled how good the late Brigit Forsyth was as Thelma.

Wishing a Happy New Year for everyone in 2024
If only wishes made a difference:-(

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