Repair Shop

Post Christmas repairs required. Only two damaged decorations this year which is good going. Kara did really well with the big tree this year. We think because a) she’s older obviously and b) we have her her own little tree that she can do whatever with.

Glue gun fixed some decorations and also a troll who’s hair had fallen out.

I was thinking of a recap of the year but genuinely can’t remember half of it. I’d need to re-read all my own blips just to remember. Big year for Kara starting preschool and loving it. I never needed to step foot in an actual office for work so didn’t miss any time at home with family. A few trips / holidays throughout the year which were always fun. Kara discovering movies with songs was brilliant to watch. She’s going to love her musical theatre class starting next year!

We won’t be staying up for the bells so happy new year to you all when it arrives for you.

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