Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Hi Blippers! A very Happy New Year to all of you! May it be a year in which the voters of the world see sense, act pragmatically and tactically and start to roll back some of the inhumanity, injustice and environmental damage of the last few years. Our options may be limited but I’m in favour of the least bad choices if they’ll rid us of the worst choices and give us a bit of breathing space and time to regroup.

On a personal level, I’m looking forward to a much more positive time after an often difficult 2023, I’d like to thank all the people who’ve helped me through, including you Blippers who have been there throughout, even when I’ve hardly posted any Blips. I’d like to think I’ll do a bit better in 2024 but I’m not making any big promises!

Thanks to my family for being such cool folks and to all my friends, including my brilliant book club posse - with a special shout-out to Natalie for going above and beyond. And to Paula for being all round wonderful. Thanks to SuMay and her family for always being there when it counts most. And thanks to my counsellor, Liz, without whom things would’ve been even more tricky. It really does pay to invest in your mental health!

Here’s to a happy, healthy and hopeful 2024 to you all!

And here’s ’Happy New Year’ by Camera Obscura

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