Just one of my mom's figurines...

After a nice and quiet morning, I headed over to see my mom. It was nice to see she was in a good mood despite not having a clue what day it was. Celebrate the little good things of happiness... She didn't want me to go get lunch as she still had steak left over from lunch with my sister the day before but as she was going to take a nap, I went and got a chocolate pie with whip cream as that is what she requested. She nearly at the whole mini pie I got her. A lot of little talk, we watched part of the Seahawks game (they lost again) and... Sadly we went through the - I'm stuck here - can't do anything - routine that is becoming more common. We keep reminding her that we plan to take her out near her birthday next month to her favorite place. So hard not being able to help her more besides being there. After seeing my mom I went shopping as I only had chili and peanut butter left in the house to eat. Getting sales, off brands, not healthy but healthier things than I wanted and.. The receipt said I saved $86.52... Crazy on some prices these days.. I'll be sleeping straight through the new years celebration tonight like normal.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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