Happy New Year!

The Copacabana fireworks were as good, if not better, than ever, turning everyone present into awe-filled children gasping with delight as the 12-minute event climaxed with great parabolas of light hanging, sparkling and, then, dissipating in the night sky, leaving everyone craving more!

We had an atmospheric late lunch of galeto with all the trimmings in Braseiro, an authentic roast chicken place in Rua Domingos Ferreira, before heading home for a rest and change into our all white glad rags!

Patience was needed to sweet talk our way past the police check at the bottom of Santa Clara, which is our nearest access point to Avenida Atlantics but was, unknown to us, designated as a beach-front exit point only.   However, our over-sixty status entitled us to be admitted through a small controlled access point in the corner and suddenly we were on the front with ten minutes to go!

Happy New Year to all in Blipland including our followers, followees and Blip’s guiding lights in Edinburgh!

An extra of us on the beach, for our record.

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