Happy New Year

Season's Greetings to one and all!! 

Well, it's thanks to this piece of technology that I am back on blipfoto - because, having suffered catastrophic failure of my laptop, I ended up getting a new one. All files safely backed up, but when I prepared to backblip the hell out of you all, I discovered, to my astonishment and chagrin, that new laptops not only have a reduced number of USB ports, they also have no space into which my camera card will fit... So I was stuck with a card full of images, and nowhere to download them.

Almost makes me think that this digital thing is a big cash grab.... or is that being cynical?

Anyway, we're all still well and alive. And thanks to this nifty bit of technology, I can use one of the USB ports to plug in my Kopplen USB-C Hub with HDMI and Gigabit Ethernet.

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