Chipmunk Canoe Caper

One of my Garden Club pals gave me this little birch bark canoe yesterday. Her husband was cleaning out some stuff and was throwing it away. She immediately thought of me and my chipmunk props. I couldn't wait to put it out for a paddle this morning. They were cautious, but gave it a go, diving and drifting . There was even a successful Tufted Titmouse peanut grab.The Blue Jays tried, but lost their sea legs in the end.

The Garden Club picnic was fun yesterday, a beautiful house and garden. The weather was divine. We had a tiny auction with member donated items and made $200.

Off to painting today, I'm working on my third Nora Diary painting .

Painting progress today

For the Record,
This day came in warm and breezy. Lovely weather again. Hot and humid days coming next week.

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