Winging it

It has poured all day and now it’s blowing a gale, so needless to say I haven’t been out, other than to lock the gate into the orchard.  The garden has a film of water sitting in the surface, some of the trees in the orchard are under water, and the plane tree in the school grounds is under water.

One of the residents has posted a few pictures of the waterfall out of the pond and brook, and they’re overflowing.  We did clear out the brook eighteen months ago and it’s flowing well.  The playing fields are sodden.  Needless to say JJ didn’t play golf today and the course is probably closed anyway.

This fly was sitting in the kitchen window before the weather got really bad.

I watched Mr Bates and The Post Office last night, which really upset me.  If you haven’t watched the first episode, please do, but be prepared to be shocked, which is nothing compared with what the accused sub-postmasters went through.

I’m not venturing out to camera club tonight and must send my apologies.

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