Something Blue

Or EB if you like.
I thought I had one in the camera, but you can’t always be right.  In fact sometimes would be a bonus.
Today the field behind us became as flooded as a sloping filed can be flooded, and I thought I had a couple of ground level shots in the baby camera. 
My motive in venturing out into the field in wellies was two-fold.  We had spotted one of our ex-neighbours (they sold the land that our now-neighbours have a house on) taking great interest in the back of next door.  That is when I spotted the state of the state of the field.  So my journey was to get a shot of the field, and see what he was interested in - which was the new house flooding.
So I took some shots of the flooding house, and I thought some of the field.  When I came to look I only had one of the field and the camera had focused on the branches of the tree I was under – doh.  Well it was torrential rain!
Anyway I emailed our neighbour at work with a couple of shots and made contact with him.  There was lots of activity soon afterwards, and I forgot about blipping until now, so I looked for something blue for Tiny Tuesday.  This was one of Mrs W’s cast-off experiments when she started ‘Resin Casting’, which she has proudly kept.  Quick and dirty back-lit photo, not exactly close-up, and certainly not macro, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Not to get the cauliflower cheese on, and it’s LATE!
Many thanks to Ilja for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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