
Twice I walked past this new ornament in the garden next door and got a bit of a start. I’m not always a fan of these sorts of things but approve of this one. I hope it doesn’t get pinched. It’s nice the see the new neighbour doing some gardening.

Bad or good? It depends doesn’t it? Before Christmas I had a call from the receptionist saying to the GP wanted to talk to me about my recent blood results, ECG and or MSU. I couldn’t get a spare minute of his time before today due to holidays and leave. Of course I was wondering what was wrong …. thinking of each test and what a bad result might mean. Anyway finally he rang me an hour and a half after the allotted time (he was having a really busy day). He said everything was excellent except my sodium which was low. I burst out laughing as I have been really trying to cut down on salt for my blood pressure. Have hardly had any salty foods lately including salt on salad and eggs, or ham and bacon. Have limited any tins of food as they are high in salt, no chips blah blah blah. So the treatment is eat salt (normally) and retest in a month. 

39 people have drowned since November and there have been 600 surf rescues. Why do people swim in unsafe water? Too sad. 

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