Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A beautiful day

We were up early this morning, Gavin took Xena out first things and then took her out again after her breakfast for a play in the snow and short walk. As we were going skiing she would be having her a longer walk much later. Xena does not mind going out later in the morning, in fact most mornings I have to drag her out for a walk as she likes to snooze after her breakfast and prefers to walk much later.

We left the apartment by 8.08am and were up the mountain in good time. It was an absolutely perfect day with azure blue skies and good snow. It was busier than earlier this week, I think many people like to take time off after new year to ski so our hopes that most people return home after new year and the slopes would be super quiet did not materialise. 

We had a good morning skiing, we had a coffee break and a few more runs and came down by 12 noon. Unfortunately Gavin forgot the backpack with my camera, hand warmers and glasses in the car (he was in charge of it in case you wonder why he was blamed for forgetting it!) so I could not take any photos of the lovely conditions on the mountain. I have added an iPhone photo in extras but as a 'purist' I don't like using my iPhone for my photography, so I had to find a blip when we got back down again.

We fetched Xena from the apartment and went on a really long walk around the village and across some fields. Where we were already in the shadow of the mountain it was very cold! This is a view of the village reservoir looking towards the glacier. Then Xena went to the vet for her 'passport check' - as required by DEFRA there are certain checks and deworming that has to happen up to 5 days before travelling home again. We only return home on Saturday but thought we would get it done now.

We started watching Fool Me Once on Netflix last night and got hooked after the first episode!

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