horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

It's Waffle Being Back At Work

Trying a new, traditional Flemish (though confusingly over time now called 'Brussels') waffle recipe, from an excellent Low Countries cookbook we've had for a while*. Trying to take my mind of worrying about Harris.

That, hopefully, seems to be abating. Trip to the vet seemed to decide he's still just a bit sore from his procedure last Friday, and the type of antibiotics might need to be changed, depending on results of a urine test - got to wait for the bacteria culture to grow before we can get those, probably on Monday. Blood test, however, showed kidney function is back completely to normal, and he's definitely been a little bit more himself. Still a way off being 'Harris', but progress.

* interestingly this version (and the book has four or five more types I have to try) is yeasted, and not sweetened. Made the batter last night, and rested it in the fridge overnight, where it went a bit mad, despite the cool temperature. Traditionally served with a bit of butter and icing sugar, I also went a little Scandi, and had some Norwegian brown cheese (which is sweet) on a couple.

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