White Glen

Some of you have previously asked (from behind the couch) where does it come from?  I know you envisage the Blip nurse chasing me round the ward.  However, read on.  I went to first foot my Mum in her Care Home this morning.  As I wished her ‘Happy New Year Mum’ she responded – ‘Iain, can you please find my teeth?’  Luckily they weren’t in the bed or on top of the wardrobe or (as happened once) – in Reception.  Teeth in place she produced the non sequitur of the Millenium.  I don’t think she’ll ever top this:  ‘Iain, for next Christmas I’d like you to buy me a Zither’.  Thankfully I was sitting down.  What a brilliant line at any time of day.  She then asked about Shirley Abicair (naturally).  It turns out Shirley is still alive, in her 94th year, and thirty four days older than my Mum.  I’m not sure of her dental status. 
Meantime, all of the decorations disappeared back into the attic, the Current Mrs Creel went through to Kirkwall to meet up with a group of pals, Bernard texted me to say he has mislaid his cummerbund and wanted to know whether Scullion could help look for it (not easy whilst on a flight to Ecuador).

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