Evil Goat

By evilgoat

The Pack!

How to make friends on a campsite.... take 6 dogs!

There was almost a dog for each camper! From left to right they are:

Harley, Billy, Harry, Charley, Emmy, Alfie! Try saying that in a hurry to call them all back!

They all got on really well, Charley was haring around trying to get in front, but Harley had other ideas, but all banter was good natured. Harry disgraced himself and ran off after a deer and Billy was cute, and let out the odd growl to show everyone who really was boss. Emmy bounced around in puddles spashing everyone with her massive paws, and Alfie ran round on the outskirts wagging his tail, wanting to be involved but was a little scared. His tail wagged just that bit faster when Emmy came near. ;-)

It was fantastic.

Stayed late, got home later. Driving slow is so much more relaxing....

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