Ymweliad arall â Ffynnon Taf
Ymweliad arall â Ffynnon Taf ~ Another visit to Taff's Well
“I've dealt with numbers all my life, of course, and after a while you begin to feel that each number has a personality of its own. A twelve is very different from a thirteen, for example. Twelve is upright, conscientious, intelligent, whereas thirteen is a loner, a shady character who won't think twice about breaking the law to get what he wants. Eleven is tough, an outdoorsman who likes tramping through woods and scaling mountains; ten is rather simpleminded, a bland figure who always does what he's told; nine is deep and mystical, a Buddha of contemplation....”
― Paul Auster
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Gwnes i dal y bws i Ffynnon Taf eto heddi. Y tro yma roedden ni'n llwyddanianus gyda'r cwyr. Mae apwyntiad arall gyda ni mewn tua wythnos i drio trwsio fy cymhorthion clyw.
Gwnes i gymryd yr amser i gerdded i fyny'r brif ffordd yn Ffynnon Taf. Rydych chi'n gallu gweld tipyn bach o hanes yn y lle. Lleoedd a arferai fod, rhywbeth... Siop bapur, efallai, banc, mae'n debyg, capel, yn sicr. Yr holl wedi'u cae nawr. Rydw i'n meddwl ei bod cyfuniad o ddiwydiannau oedd wedi cau, ceir sy'n ei gwneud yn haws i siopa rhywle arall, a Covid, wrth gwrs sydd wedi achos pobl i weithio gartre. Maen nhw'n dal mae ganddyn nhw'r 'sylfaenol' o hyd gyda Co-op dda iawn , ac (nodwedd heddiw) 'y Swyddfa'r Post a bar brechdanau'. Mae'n ddiddorol i weld y newidiadau gyda swyddfeydd post. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl bod unrhyw yn nawr dim ond 'Swyddfa'r Post'. Mae rhai wedi symud i mewn siopau, ac yn yr achos hwn maen nhw'n nawr gwerthu brechdanau. Dosbarth Cyntaf, rydw i'n gobeithio.
Rydw i'n meddwl bydd pethau yn newid ar y gwell - rydw i'n gobeithio - gyda'r Metro De Cymru depo sy'n mynd i gyflogi 400 o bobl. Mae'n arwydd dda mewn fwy fyrdd nag un, oherwydd mwy o fuddsoddiadau mwn cludiant cyhoeddus yn helpu pobol sy eisiau lleihau'r defnydd o geir. Yn gobeithio bydd 400 o bobl yn prynu eu brechdanau yn y Swyddfa'r Post.
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I caught the bus to taff's Well again today. This time we were successful with the wax. We have another appointment in about a week to try and get my hearing aids fixed.
I took the time to walk up the main road at Taff's Well. You can see a little bit of history in the place. Places that used to be, something... A paper shop, maybe, a bank, probably, a chapel, for sure. All closed now. I think it's a combination of industries that have closed, cars that make it easier to shop elsewhere, and Covid, which of course has caused people to work from home. They still have the 'basics' with a very good Co-op, and (today's feature) 'the Post Office and sandwich bar'. It is interesting to see the changes with post offices. I don't think there is any now just 'Post Office'. Some have moved into shops, and in this case they are now selling sandwiches. First Class, I hope.
I think things will change for the better - I hope so - with the Metro South Wales depot which is going to employ 400 people. It is a good sign in more ways than one, because more investments in public transport help people who want to reduce the use of cars. Hoping 400 people will buy their sandwiches at the Post Office.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ffynnon Taf, Swyddfa Bost a bar brechdanau, mewn lliw, monocrom a sepia
Description (English): Taff Well, Post Office and sandwich bar, in colour, monochrome and sepia
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