A bird

After the exertions of yesterday, we decided rest was the order of the day.  We spent all morning relaxing in our hotel room.  But by lunchtime I had itchy feet, and went out for a short walk.  I walked through the hotel grounds, finding a large lizard (maybe 40cm) on the path.  Then I set off down a track parallel to the shore.  Walking slowly, halting frequently in the shade, I maybe walked no more than a kilometre.

Spotted various bird life, most of which did not sit still long enough to be photographed.  The bird in my blip is a bit blurred, and refused to face me, but might be a collared forest-falcon.  I also saw, crossing the road, a bird with a cocked up tail, possibly a grey-necked wood rail.  And of course the Scarlet Macaws making their loud calls (in extras).

As I was slowly walking back to the hotel, a group of young people crossed my path, and invited me to join them – they were heading to the beach where they believed there was to be a release from the local turtle hatchery.  They turned out to be a group with the daughter of a Brit, resident in Costa Rica for quite a few years, and recently settled in Puerto Jimenez where he is opening a hotel/yoga retreat.  He followed a while later, and when there didn’t seem to be any action, got hold of the turtle hatchery folk on the phone and discovered that the three baby turtles that had hatched had been released that morning.  There were potentially another group being released the following day at 0600.  I took a photo of the hatchery as a reminder.

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