Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


On the way to work noticed lots of cuckoo spit on the plants. They glittered in the morning sun but could not get close to due to railings.

Eco daughter went to the hospital, she hurt herself last Monday at trampolining. She wanted to play in the final at football(Wednesday) so refused to go to the doctor or hospital. Managed to get a look at her last night so we agreed she had to go to hospital. It turns out she has broken a rib, rest for 3 weeks with no contact sports.

Amazing when it happened she said she was going to be like Joost(South african scrum half) who played in the world rugby cup final with a broken rib as we had watched a documentary about him. She just wanted to play in the final.

The little one has a very high pain threshold.

When I got home noticed that the sea hooly was coming out and it had some cuckoo spit on it.

This is the time of the year that the froghopper starts to show itself.

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