
By Stepram


Today I reached a great milestone. As some of you may know I have lost a Lot of weight recently on the 6th of March this year I was 18 stone 6 pounds ( 258 lbs or 116 kg).

Today I weighed in at 209 lbs or 14 Stone 13 Pounds (94 kg). I have lost a total of 49 lbs or 3.5 stone, for the First three months I lost a stone a month but the last month has been a little harder.

Being an IT guy there is no surprise that my preferred weight control method involved technology. I used two things a Tracker called a Fitbit One and an App for my phone called MyFitnessPal. Both were introduced to me by Acronymphomania. Its really simple calories in V Calories out, nothing more complicated than that no Gym, No Fads, just use the tracker to track your activity (and hence calories burned and tell MyFitnessPal what you've eaten (calories in). If you eat more than you need you get fat, if you eat less than you need (within safe limits) you lose weight, nothing more complicated than that.

The two apps sync perfectly and work to make you more mindful of your food and exercise, I also helps you see just how ridiculous some foods and food packaging is! See M&S meal for one!

I am now however looking to buy a bike to cycle around Edinburgh and join a Gym to get last last few inches of my gut and that last stone or so in weight.

I you are interested and want to know more please ask.

*Also requires will power and a loving supportive wife!, Thanks Hunny XX

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