3 guesses!!

Where I've been today!!

Trip in to the V & A in London to meet up with T, who I've not seen since we returned from conference in Beijing last October.

Lunch in the café first to catch up on all the news. This is the most astounding "café" you can find with stunning tiles and this beautiful ceiling. Before viewing the David Bowie exhibition!!!

I've never been a great "follower" of Bowie, but do recognise and enjoy a great deal of his music. In the early days of his career he was a bit "way out" for me and it is only time and life experiences..... and the help of this amazing exhibition, that I appreciate the wider variety of work that he has created.

It is awesome!! Credit to whoever has put this exhibition together. The visitors were all ages from those like me who were around as he started and the under 20's who were viewing today. I would have loved to ask the younger visitors their opinions of this man's extraordinary career.

T had to leave about 4pm, so I viewed the "Treasures of the Royal Courts" before leaving for home. Interesting exhibition......but Bowie had blown everything away!!

I took this picture of a hanging glass sculpture as I was waiting in the queue to buy my second ticket.

Not all visitors were there to view the exhibits; these little ones enjoyed a paddle.

The blip is taken in the tunnel on the way back to the tube station.

A fantastic day!!!

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