Games Night

The Perth Open Curling is on for four days so on own for the day and night.

I walked Saffy, a pleasant walk considering it’s January. Weather was calm and quite mild .

Home around 12:30, pottered about and then looked out the old bits of gold jewellery I had lying around to take down to Hendersons in Methven Street to sell it. They didn’t take my first engagement ring but took the rest and got £220.80 for this lot (extras). I am sure I have some more odd bits and pieces too so will look it out.

I popped in hinterland for a bowl of soup around 2:30 and then home for some more jigsaw and a read.

There was a board games night planned for this group with the Club I joined. I learned Azul and Sagrada. It was a fun night and met lots of new people. They were all really nice ladies and bonus I didn’t have far to go as Audrey three doors up hosted it.

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