things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


Pretty tired after work but it was sunny so off I went with my camera up to the tops....a quick walk I thought as I had an RSPB volunteers do to go to....

Well...the quick walk was supposed to entail taking a few photos of swallows in flight from a path near a farm....but, the farm owners came out and heard me laughing at me taking rubbish shots! We got chatting, I then got an invite for a cuppa so off I went. Tricia and Peter were lovely, I was shown their middle white pigs, Soay sheep, chickens, ducks and swallows...We talked about teaching politics...nuff said and then off I went to take more photos of swallows....

Then on a wander back to the car I chanced to meet another birdie person out for an evening drive to take photos and just off I went again on a tour sort of thing, never made the RSPB do which is a shame but just how it all worked out....

Amazed this came out!

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