...but the sun was shining and the sky was blue - so Mr. HCB and I took the opportunity to start my “Doing More in ’24” walking campaign.

I have to say that by the time we had left our house and crossed the busy road, I was already feeling my legs hurting BUT as I know, I need to start small and work up to doing more and as I haven’t been walking much since my back surgery last August, I realise it’s going to take time.  

My plan was to look for flowers along the way, in the various gardens, and we were not disappointed.  I took the selfie with Mr. HCB grumbling that he thought it was Flower Friday, so why did he have to be in it etc etc but I just ignored him - and told him I wanted proof that I had started my new campaign today.  You'd think that the amount I pay him would stop his grumbling!

Further along the road, we saw some beautiful Mahonia (clockwise from the top left) and the sky was so blue - we had almost forgotten what blue sky looked like!  Then we saw a lonely little Wallflower and then a beautiful Winter Iris, although the wind and rain had obviously battered this plant quite a lot.  The Hellebore was also looking rather worse for wear, but I’m sure that too, was glad to see the sun today.

The Pyracantha berries were just waiting to be picked by the birds, as were the Holly berries on the beautiful variegated bush, and then we saw another lovely Mahonia in all its glory - and all of them looked so much better in the sunshine.

As we got to the end of our walk, we saw the Nativity outside one of the houses, and as I was taking some photographs, and looking in the box from which they sell eggs, a man came to the door and said that unfortunately, there were no eggs, but that I could get closer to take a better shot, if I would like to.  We told him we also liked the drawings and paintings in their windows and he told us that their children had started this in lockdown and had just carried on.  We said that we were very impressed with the standard - so congratulations to the children.  I have put a collage of the Nativity and paintings in as an extra - and also a shot of their cockerel, taken through the wall, in the back garden. 

When we got back I noted that I had done 2,710 steps - not that much to some of you who are avid walkers, but a goodly number for me - and hopefully, as the days go on, I will increase that amount.  

Take care and have a great weekend.  

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