
By ishaan03

Happy birthday to my Mum!

My mum turned 55 today. She has huntington’s disease which has progressed since many years so a lot of the times during the day she is heavily dozed and is not able to speak much. My mother is quite fond of jewellery and always wanted her children to gift her some jewellery. My sister and I bought this ring for her and she said that she liked it. I am glad I had been saving for it. My sister was amazing at negotiations with the lady at the shop and some discounts.

We ordered a cake from Theo’s for her my mum’s birthday following our visit the day before. We cut the cake in the evening and heard some old hindi music which we enjoy. My sister and I danced a bit to entertain my mother.

Today also is birthday of my dear colleague: Mark’s birthday. So I wished him as well.

Oh the fun bit is the bottom left comment made by my sister. I am such a beautiful fairy!

Today also presented with some arguments.

1. My sister and father had a fight over some finances as my father withdrew some money from there account without asking my sister. My sister got concerned as she’s been investing in some portfolios. I tried to settle things by suggesting that I am ok to contribute some amount of my salary, so everyone is content.

2. In evening, one of my toxic cousin brother who I find to be heavily misogynistic called up my father to wish for my mothers birthday. While I would have appreciated this call both my sister and I found it to be farce since noting his past sexist and lack of basic acknowledgment towards my mother because she suffers from a illness. It bothered us both for a bit until we both dismissed the thought. Perhaps time will teach him empathy.


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