Easter eggs???

A damp walk round Abbey H woods  before driving up to Ulverston to M& S to collect a jkt for M and a few bits of food. 
It's not yet 12th night but the Easter eggs (hot cross buns,  chocolate bunnies etc ) were already out.  Too early ! *

Back home and I reluctantly  dismantled the Christmas tree. I'm glad I put it up . It brightened up a dark corner , physically and mentally. As I put the baubles away I found the missing tree decoration with Fletchs name on it! 
He is looking lovely and white again as hes had his bath. The weather report says drier weather is forecast so hopefully there will not be any muddy walks. 

*As I drove back into Barrow the TPMS light came on ! ( first time in 17 days) Not again!

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