The second coldest morning of the week, but it soon got up to -25°C and after 11 am quickly to -20°C, which was a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately we'll have to put with similar temperatures until Sunday noon, if the forecast is right.
In the cowshed the garage part was down to -4°C, but that wasn't the reason not to use the van today. It would have started easily, but I realized yesterday that it was refueled last time in September and it might clog the filters with the fuel sold back then, and it's too cold to mix the additive now. The car served us well, when I drove off to run some errands with Jussi.
The hourly rates for electricity have been horrible today, up to 2.35 Euro/kWh as I'm writing this. I have been looking for ways to save electricity desperately and I did find some, but we'll see how the outcome is.
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