Return to the North

By Viking

Amazing kids

These 3 are amazing. They were told before Xmas that their adored aunty had cancer. They were told today that it was terminal. Each in their own way is being very brave - big brother is being very ‘staunch’ and putting a brave face on it for the other two, J the other boy is stroppy but then burst into tears and L, well she is just sad and tearful.
I had the bright idea today to take them out for pizza. Their mum is overwhelmed with coming to terms with her sister’s diagnosis, travelling the 60m each way to try and be with her as much as possible, maintaining a house, hubby and children, oh and the job of teaching too. So I messaged her and asked if we could take the kids out to give her a break!
We all had a lovely time and it was so nice to be out with them by themselves

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