Another Cold and Chilly Day

But not so chilly that I didn't get outside! I walked over to my ex's house - you might remember that he still lives in the house where my former garden is (not having been able to sell his house last fall). He asked if I'd come over to point out things in the gardens that needed to be done. I was super careful with my thumb...easy to forget. Actually I kept it in my pocket so it couldn't get into trouble!

Camellia sasanqua 'Yule Tide' is in full bloom now - this is one of the first things I planted when I moved into that house. It's now a stunning 7' tall and quite happy. There were hellebores peaking out and the Ribes sanguinieum or Flowering Currant was showing signs of life too. And the crocus (see extra) are poking up! The slugs haven't found them yet...all a matter of time.

After a year and a half without my vigilance the gardens are looking a bit ragged. But I promised my ex I'd help him out when my thumb was ready. After all, he's going to take care of my kitties for 10 day while I'm in MEXICO later this month!! Fair's fair, eh?

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