Looking Forward

Caught the bus to Otley, had twenty minutes before the my bus to Harrogate was due so l had a quick look around the market and saw two boxes of cut amaryllis on the flower stall which l thought were a bargain at £2 a stem.( usually 4£. - £5 a stem).
Made a note to call back on my way home to see if any were left.
The journey was pleasant and so good to see some blue sky, see extra if you are interested.

Met Elaine for lunch. It’s her birthday tomorrow and she will be celebrating with her family. A pleasant surprise at the restaurant when we were given a complimentary glass of sparkling wine. 
Caught up with what we had been doing over the past couple of weeks and made a couple of dates to meet up later in the month.
Looking forward to them.
Bought a sweater, (not in the sale) that l am very pleased with, perfect to go with various pairs of trousers l already have.

Said our goodbyes and l sped back to Otley, it really is a fast bus.
Went to the flower stall and there were only six amaryllis left, the gentleman who served me said l could have the lot for £5 as he was packing up to go home. I struggled a bit wth the boxed flowers on the bus home but it was worth the trouble.
Looking forward to them opening.
Spoke to Rebecca and we both agreed how much we had enjoyed Oliver last night. So much so we settled upon some dates and between us booked  a ballet and two theatre performances to see in the next six months.
Looking forward to seeing them too.

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