As it happens..

By Mullet

The longest day

Alarm goes off, wake up kids, boiled eggs, pack lunches, find sports wear, meeting with the council, sports day, cook burgers, make coffees, make teas, watch kids, clap lots, clear up, chat, drink tea, drive home, make sandwiches, take kids to theatre, .....lovely moment of calm with my husband where we went for a pub supper and a pint of cider, the kids in FANTASTIC Mull Youth Theatre show, drive home, unhatched eggs, check chick, empty dishwasher, feed dogs and ducks, say cheerio to Self catering guests, drink wine, do blip, BED :)
So that pretty much sums it up, and my pic for the day is my daughter who has a new bestie who has found a new home in her hoodie. Such cuteness!!

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