Straeon o ddimensiynau eraill

Straeon o ddimensiynau eraill ~ Stories from other dimensions

“Hence, if higher space exists and our world borders upon it and lies partially in it, it follows necessarily that we see only portions of all objects. We never see their true and complete shape. We see their three measurements, but not their fourth. The new direction is concealed from us, and when I hold this book and move my hand all round it I have not really made a complete circuit. We only perceive those portions of any object which exist in our three dimensions, the rest escapes us. But, once learn to see in higher space, and objects will appear as they actually are. Only they will be hardly recognizable!”
― Algernon Blackwood, (‘A victim of higher space’ (1914), in ‘Dangerous Dimensions - Mind-bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird’, edited by Henry Bartholomew )

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Roedden ni'n symud dodrefn heddiw, ac yn adeiladu dodrefn hefyd. Dyma ddigwyddiad cyffredin yn ein tŷ ni. Sawl gwaith rydw i wedi syllu ar Nor'dzin o draws darn o ddodrefn... Weithiau rydyn ni'n dweud bod os dydyn ni ddim yn gallu  symud dodrefn rydyn ni'n barod am gartref yr hen bobl. Heddiw roedd troi'r gwelyau soffa newydd i fynd i'r ystafell cysegr. Bydd yn ei gwneud yn haws i letya gwesteion. Cymerodd y rhan fwyaf o'r dydd ond roedden ni'n hapus gyda'r canlyniadau. Bydd mwy o ddodrefn i symud yfory.

Ar hyn o bryd, rydw 'n darllen llyfr o hen straeon byr. Enw'r llyfr yw ‘Dangerous Dimensions - Mind-bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird’. Mae'r straeon i gyd am ddimensiynau eraill, ddimensiynau dydyn ni ddim yn arfer canfu. Dychmygwch a oedd pedwerydd dimensiwn gofodol ac rydych chi'n gallu ei ymweliad. Sut rydych chi'n gallu ei esboniad i bobl sy erioed wedi cael y profiad hwnnw? Mae'n fel bod sgwâr yn ‘Flatland’ yn trio esboniad ciwb i'ch cyfeillion. O safbwynt tri dimensiwn basai byd pedwar dimensiwn i anodd i ddeall. Allech chi symud mewn ffyrdd rhyfedd, neu fod yn fwy nag un lle ar un amser. Mae'r straeon yn gweithio gyda'r syniadau hyn ac yn agor y meddwl i bosibiliadau newydd.

Mae'n ddiddorol bod gwyddoniaeth yn siarad am lawer o ddimensiynau anganfyddedig eraill, ac i raddau mae crefydd yn gwneud yr un peth. Mae'r straeon  hyn yn mynd â chi yno.

Y tro nesa rydyn ni'n symud dodrefn anodd, rydyn ni'n mynd i ddefnyddio dimensiwn arall. Rydyn ni'n gallu mynd trwy'r waliau'r ffordd honno.

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We were moving furniture today, and building furniture too. This is a common occurrence in our house. How many times have I stared at Nor'dzin across a piece of furniture... Sometimes we say that if we can't move furniture we're ready for the old people's home. Today the new sofa beds were moved to go to the sanctuary room. It will make it easier to accommodate guests. It took most of the day but we were happy with the results. There will be more furniture to move tomorrow.

At the moment, I'm reading a book of old short stories. The book is called 'Dangerous Dimensions - Mind-bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird'. All the stories are about other dimensions, dimensions we don't usually find. Imagine if there was a fourth spatial dimension and you can visit it. How can you explain it to people who have never had that experience? It's like a square in 'Flatland' trying to explain a cube to your friends. From a three dimensional point of view a four dimensional world would be difficult to understand. You could move in strange ways, or be in more than one place at one time. The stories work with these ideas and open the mind to new possibilities.

It is interesting that science talks about many other unperceived dimensions, and to some extent religion does the same. These stories take you there.

Next time we're moving difficult furniture, we're going to use another dimension. We can go through the walls that way.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Machlud yn adlewyrchu ar draws ffenestr agored
Description (English): Sunset reflecting across an open window

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