Sunset over Lords Lot

The operation on Friday went well but Mr P has to take things very easy while his enlarged heart adjusts to a normal heart rate and reduces back to its normal size.  I left him at home and took myself off for an invigorating walk round our local hill after responding to all your very kind messages for Fridays Blip.  I can see that you have taken Blackpool Tower to the first page of Popular- thank you, I think that's a first for me.  
I just managed to get round the hill before the sun disappeared . Still very frosty in the shade and flooded in the valleys , but not nearly as flooded as the Midlands. 
Then off to the Village Quiz night with our neighbours where we came second.  Another first for me - mostly thanks to our neighbours but I was pleased to identify Ben Stokes from a picture, and me not a sport lover.  That point must have made all the difference

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