The Buddy Horror Show!

We've only just realised that we can leave the house, together, which we haven't been able to do for years. It's a strange feeling.
Daniel and Joanne asked us if we'd like to go round to their house for evening dinner. Apart from having a dinner that we didn't have to cook it was quite exciting getting ready to go. It was simple, pulled beef, wraps with salad, cooked sweet peppers, cheese etc. Delicious, haven't had wraps for a long, long, time.
Buddy was very creative with his last wrap, which he just wanted to eat without any filling. He nibbled at the edges before creating a 'Michael Myers' type mask (Halloween horror film).
The bike photo is something that I came across totally by accident while looking for something else. I haven't been able to find the original of this photograph for many years so was surprised when I came across it in Google Photos.
It's my bike that I used to commute from Maidenhead to Gloucester and back, each weekend for about 5 years around 1991. I bought the bike, a Honda 250N Superdream, because someone had stolen my car, or so I thought.
I used to park my old (double headlight model) Honda Accord on the jetty right by the River Thames. I lodged, during the week, in a house on Ray Mead Road, Maidenhead. It was half way between the Thames Hotel and Bridge Road. Two years after losing the car the police found it, in the Thames just yards from where I used to park it. They'd broken in, stolen whatever was in there, and pushed it into the river. The most valuable thing that was in the car was my old Genesis cassette tapes, which I had to replace!
in 1997 I was given a company car, became lazy and sold the bike, much to my regret looking back on it. I didn't start riding again until 2014.

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