Mavin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum

Backblip 8/11.

After dinner, Jill took me to a really nifty museum and arcade. It's got all sorts of knickknacks and gadgets from generations ago. Pictured is a life-size model of Robert Wadlow, the tallest man to ever live. He was 8 feet 11.1 inches tall (2.72 meters).

I first learned of him when I was around 8 years old after my dad bought me a Guinness Book of World Records. This display featured a short video about his life. It was neat to see. Sadly, this museum is closing because the building it's in is becoming a Kroger grocery store. It's unknown if the museum will move to a new place.

More photos of this place in extras.

Back at the house, Jill's mom was being a terror, as usual. This time was a little different because she's started being awful to me. The night before, she asked if I wanted egg salad (made by her, which Jill and I had eaten a lot of the evening before) or green salad from the store. I said green. She rolled her eyes and gave me a nasty look. She's still nasty to her husband and constantly yelling, glaring and stomping her feet.

I decided this is my last trip there while she's alive. I do not want to put my body through the stress of walking on eggshells to not break the numerous unwritten, arbitrary rules to not make her angrier.

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