
By loisbiz

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I went to Dawson Park today and walked around the lake behind the library. It was a pleasant day without any rain. I think it may be our last dry day for quite a while! Ugh.

This female Hooded Merganser may have met her match. The fish she caught is so big that I don't know how she will ever swallow it, she swam off too far for me to follow her so I didn't see the end of this encounter. I think the fish was a perch, it was wide and about 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) long. This duck is tiny, it is only 14 inches (36.6 cm) long; its beck is thin and fish are usually swallowed whole. There may be a problem doing that. The bill is serrated so I suppose he could tear the meat off the fish, but it still seems difficult, if not impossible. Maybe the other female can meet her in shallow water and share in tearing the fish apart?
I wish I could have followed her to see what happened.  I wanted to meet my son, Ron, and my grandson nearby so I had to leave anyway because my camera battery went dead!! Rookie mistake, I didn't check it before I left home and didn't bring an extra.  :-(((

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