Ghost screws

Had my appointment at orthopaedics earlier. As you can see from my Xray I have been left with ghost screws. I didn't see the consultant today but I'm on his list. They told me that my toe is filled with fluid and will continue to be sore for up to a year. Where they have taken the screws out is now hollow inside and will take a long time for bones to knit back together.  They said the toe has more nerves in it too than your abdomen.  I love useless information.  May come in handy on a quiz . But I've to try and go easy on it. Not great this week as I'm back to work tomorrow and back to cycling back and forth. The car is going in the garage this week. 

Lincoln loves something on YouTube called ' the amazing digital circus ' and he built a character using bricks. 

All the wildlings had to get bathed and hair washed earlier in preparation for school and nursery tomorrow.  We have football soon and wouldn't have had time when back. 

It's freezing outside so it's going to be a pain waiting around for a hour and half. But Xander wants to go so it will just have to be fine. The wildlings will get wrapped up. 

Catch up when I can. 

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