
By ishaan03

Domestic abuse

This morning my sister and I were on a cleaning spree. So we cleaned a bit of the drawing room which in a state following Diwali and the mess created by my father. My sister then showed me the amazing tomatoes, fruit and leave plants she had been growing in her terrace garden.

I also messaged my colleagues wife this morning to tell me the status of her parcel. No straightforward reply was received as to when the parcel is arriving. It annoyed me as I am due to leave on Saturday.

Later in the afternoon, my sister took to the local shops as the ‘bhaiya’ said that my bag has been repaired. In span of an hour after we returned my father started hitting my mother for not eating the food. The lady who works at the house was taken aback by his abusive behaviour which we are used to since childhood but can’t do anything. When he shouted again, I went to my mother’s room and saw her crying with her cheeks swollen. My abusive father was applying ice on her face after hitting her and yelling like crazy people blaming my mother on how she has made him evil. Classic case.

Knowing his behaviour, it was best to go out and calm ourselves. so we went to have tea to calm us down. My sister said my mother has been through violence and violence and each part of her body has been hit and abused nearly every month. We are all immune to his verbal abuse to an extend but not to the usage of violence.

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